
Archive for the ‘In The News’ Category

Any time I’ve ever heard talk about the conspiracy theories of the US governement’s involvement in the events of 9/11, I immediately dismissed it. However, after watching a documentary called Loose Change it’s almost impossible to deny the possibility that it could be true. I’ve posted the documentary below, but first, here’s a note from the filmmakers, Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe:

We have tried our best to avoid controversial or speculative topics and have made an effort to focus only on subjects we could prove as fact, supported either by hard, physical evidence, massive amounts of corroborating eyewitness testimony or both.

We have endured a lot of negative remarks and hostility, all for simply wanting to understand more about a terrible tragedy that not only took the lives of thousands of people in the United States, but also took endless more in its name during the wars that followed. We want a new investigation into the events of 9/11, not only because the first one was demonstrably inadequate but also because there has been ample testimony made by enough experts from around the world to bring the findings of the 9/11 Commission into question.

We are not dealing with conspiracy theories. We are dealing with facts. We are asking for the Truth and our requests will not cease until they are legitimately met. Until then, we must continue to ask questions and demand answers.

Note: This is part one. You can stream this on Netflix or watch the rest of it on Youtube

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Hollaback, Girl!

I hear it all the time and have said it myself:  “I have the right to walk down the street and not be whistled at by a complete stranger.”  And that’s true.  I agree with you as does Emily May, Executive Director of Hollaback!.   Hollaback! is an international movement to address sexual harassment that occurs in public space by using technology and social media.  (learn more here).  Check out this “Voices from the Field” video:

The thing that is not addressed in the video is why street harassment exists in the first place.  I feel like I’m taking a risk in suggesting this but I do think fighting street harassment includes educating some women on how to carry themselves.  If I walk to the bar wearing 5″ heels, a gold mini skirt, and a sheer black blouse without a bra, and a guy whistles at me, is that street harassment? Or is that a cause and effect kind of thing?  But even that doesn’t really get to the root of the problem in our culture.  There are so many other things like the objectification of women in advertising, for example, which not only shapes the way we, as women, look at ourselves, but also effects how men look at us…  More power to ya Emily May!  Street Harassment sounds like one tough deep-rooted nut to crack.

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I would put down money that none of you thought you’d see the day when sex became a theme park.  Well, the day is here and I find myself shaking my head in awe.  I’m totally miffed.

According to the article, “China is building its first sexually explicit theme park, and the giant genitalia sculptures and suggestive exhibits are getting many people hot and bothered in a country where talking about sex is still taboo.”

Apparently, the park is more about sex education than anything else but I can’t imagine my high school sex-ed teacher taking our class on a field trip.

The park manager notes, “I have to pay attention and not make the park look vulgar and nasty.”  Interesting task for a park filled with “giant genitalia sculptures and suggestive exhibits.”

Read the article here.

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I keep hearing about a 22-year old girl by the name of Natalie Dylan who is auctioning off her virginity to pay for grad school.  In her interviews, she gives off the impression of being a levelheaded, well-spoken, intelligent young woman, and she seems to respect that other people disagree with what she is doing and is letting them have that opinion.  But this whole idea of what she wants to do is SO crazy to me.

I try to put myself in her position and the benefit of having my tuition paid for does NOT outweigh the emotional ramifications of what I think I would suffer.  My self-worth would plummet!  One guy who bid on her (who was 59 by the way) was asked why he was doing this and he answered by saying that he’s never had a virgin.  “I want her virginity,” he said.  But what about HER?

One of her supporters kept saying things like “this empowers her” and “this is women’s’ rights at its best.”   Feminism is about women taking BACK their sexuality, people. Not demonstrating the right to SELL it…

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